
WHIST DRIVE: A whist drive tomorrow, Saturday, starting at 7.30pm in Bishopstone Parish Hall (£2.50 admission fee including refreshments). You do not need a partner or be an expert to enjoy this light-hearted evening.
Bishopstone newsBishopstone news
Bishopstone news

HARVEST SERVICE: A Harvest Festival Thanksgiving is on Sunday, at 12.15pm in Bishopstone Parish Hall. This is a bring and share lunch. A food selection and an attendance list is available at the back of St Andrew’s Church.

COOKBOOK: The Bishopstone Cookbook is now published with over 100 exciting recipes selected by local residents and celebrities, along with stories of village life. A donation of £10 per copy is suggested, all proceeds to St Andrew’s Church. Copies of the book are available from Sue Mappin at Vine Cottage, Bishopstone ( [email protected]).

FREE HORSE MANURE: Is available on west (Newhaven) side of Bishopstone Road between Bishopstone Estate and Bishopstone Pond. Help yourself, but please return or replace the bags.

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