
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: The first topic discussed by our Parish Councillors when they met last Wednesday was the proposed reduction in the frequency of grass mowing along road verges to twice a year. It was agreed that we would not opt for more frequent mowing than this, partly because this would involve an extra charge by the County Council, but more importantly because mowings limited to one in early June, followed by another in early Autumn would result in the maximum benefit for roadside wild flowers - also because the resultant increase in plant growth would tend to reduce the speed of traffic, especially in the lanes.

This led to a thorough discussion of various measures designed to reduce the speed of traffic on the B2089, to be partly funded by receipts from the Community Infrastructure Levy. Udimore residents are to be consulted about this. Your attention is drawn to the important statement about this consultation which follows in the next section.

To repair the Parish Council notice board at Church Gate, it was agreed that the sound parts of the existing uprights should be bolted to concrete spurs. This work could be most effectively completed without employing an external contractor. Cllrs Fuller and Dean were to arrange this.

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Representing Rother District Council, chairmanship of which he is to assume for the coming year, Cllr Jonathan Johnson, expressed his thanks to the Rector and Churchwardens for their permission to hold his impressive inaugural service in St Mary’s Church, and to everyone involved in arranging the reception which followed in our Community Hall. Our Parish Councillors offered him their best wishes for his year in office.

Our Parish Council’s next meeting will be in the Hall at 6.30pm 0n Wednesday, January 16. Please make a note of this in your 2019 diaries.

COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY: Our Parish Council’s share of the levy payable to Rother District Council by the developer of the two houses being built on the former Udimore Garage site amounts to £9,295, which must be spent on “projects which will be of long-term benefit to the village”. As noted above, our Parish Councillors are of the opinion that the affordable project which best meets this condition would be a measure (or measures) designed to make the B2089 safer. As Udimore residents, we shall all be consulted about our views on this important matter.

PROPOSED BP FILLING STATION: The news of this project’s final rejection by the Secretary of State may have disappointed some who were hoping for a convenient place to buy fuel; but it would undoubtedly have been an unsightly and intrusive blot on the landscape (the main reason quoted for BP’s failure to win their appeal). The decision was applauded by many of us!

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CHRISTMAS FAYRE: Last Saturday’s event was a huge success. Not only did it raise a record sum for church expenses (£1,700, with more still coming in) but it was marked by a thoroughly happy atmosphere, a great social occasion clearly much enjoyed by everyone there. Among many well-stocked stalls, mention must be made of the craftwork ingeniously devised by the craft and chatterers, and the “bric-a-brac” (far surpassing the quality usually associated with that name). Zoe Wilmoth, whose first Fayre this was, would like to thank her team of helpers, all of you who kindly donated raffle and tombola prizes and items for sale on the stalls, the generous sponsors of the reindeer and donkey, and all of you who went along to support the event, despite the steady rainfall that morning.

CHURCH SERVICE: At 9.30am this Advent Sunday there will be a Sung Family Eucharist in St Mary’s, followed by refreshments in the church.

MESSY CHURCH: At 4pm on Tuesday messy churchers will be gathering in the Hall for their monthly messy churching.