Hassocks consultation over the Beacon Centre

Hassocks Parish Council is seeking villagers’ views on the future use of the Beacon Centre off Ockley Lane.

The council has been working with developer Asprey Homes, the future owner of the site, and West Sussex County Council to identify how the former youth centre might be used.

The county council withdrew funding in 2011 and youth services were lost to the village but Asprey Homes, which has permission to build 17 homes to the north of the centre off Ockley Lane has expressed an interest in seeing the centre used for the community.

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The parish council is keen to assess the level of interest among villagers and has prepared a questionnaire to fill in as part of a consultation, which includes an open day at the centre on Saturday, October 12 from 11am to 3pm.

Councillors would like as many people as possible to see the centre and its potential.

The questionnaire will be available to pick up during the open day. You can also download a copy via: http://hassockspc.net/the-beacon-centre-community-consultation/